Friday, January 11, 2013

Everday is one day closer

Everyday that I wake up is one day closer to this nightmare being over. It s one day closer to not having to put a fake smile when I am out.

I will not have to think before I answer a question about how many children I have. To most that is a simple question but to Birthmothers that is a question we dread. We are always thinking what should I say because either way is going to open a door that we would rather have closed. If we say yes then there is oh do you have pictures where do they go to school etc... on the other hand if you say no you get this look of sorrow like you poor woman.

As for myself I have learned to try and stay away from the subject all together. There are people that know but not everyone. You have to be special to me since I know the story is going to have to come out once you know. I pick and choose. Maybe that is right or maybe it is not this is how I choose to walk my path.

I am still trying to figure out how I am going to begin and tell my story on my blog. Where to begin?

Is it going to help the pain?

So many questions and not enough answers.

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